11 Types of Bad Breath and Their Causes

Natural causes of smelly and bad breath

50 million people suffer from chronic halitosis (bad breath) in the US, but many don’t seek help because they’re embarrassed. That’s a shame because although bad breath is often caused by oral problems, other bad breath causes are associated with other health problems. And bad breath can be a sign of serious disease.

Studies suggest 5-10% of bad breath causes are due to disease outside the mouth. That’s 2-5 million people whose bodies are warning them of a serious problem.


Dental disease and bad breath

90% of bad breath comes from proteins broken down in your mouth. When bad breath is caused by oral problems, it usually smells like rotten eggs. This is caused by the breakdown of cysteine at the front of the tongue or on the gums. It’s a sign of poor oral hygiene.

More rarely, dental bad breath can be a fecal odor like odor from the gums or the top of the tongue. This is caused by imbalances within the mouth or from protein breakdown on the gum tissue or tongue.

If you have bad breath, your first step is a dental exam and good oral hygiene. However, the mouth-body connection means that other bad breath smells can tell you about problems elsewhere in your body.


Types of bad breath

If you or your dentist can identify the type of smell in your bad breath, this can help to pinpoint its origin. This oral-systemic link means your dentist may identify potential problems elsewhere in your body – just as an optician can by examining your eyes.

Here are the types of smells different systemic disease bad breath:

  • A cheesy smell usually indicates your bad breath has a nasal origin.
  • A fruity smell may indicate uncontrolled diabetes due to increased
  • A fishy smell may indicate kidney disease, as increased urea levels can cause a fishy smell such as in  (trimethylaminuria)
  • An acidic smell can be a sign of asthma or cystic fibrosis
  • A scent of ammonia can indicate kidney problems
  • A sweet, musty odor may signal liver cirrhosis
  • A fecal odor may point to a bowel obstruction

There are 12 types of ‘bad breath’ caused by disease in your body

  • Tonsil breath
  • Sinus breath
  • Lung breath
  • Gut breath
  • Metabolic breath
  • Diabetes breath
  • Drug breath
  • Liver breath
  • Trimethylaminuria breath
  • Menstrual breath
  • Drug-induced bad breath
  • Halitophobia


1) “Tonsil Breath”: Bad Breath Causes and Your Tonsils

Tonsillitis or tonsil stones may be the cause of your bad breath.


Bad breath linked to tonsillitis can occur in acute, chronic and recurrent forms of tonsillitis.

Your tonsils are two small pads of glandular tissue at each side of the back of your throat. They form part of your immune system, making antibodies and white blood cells to attack germs inside your mouth. They are part of your first line of defense against bacteria in food or air.

The symptoms of tonsillitis include:

  • White or yellow spots of pus on the tonsils
  • A sore throat – pain in the throat is sometimes severe, especially when swallowing, and may last more than 48 hours.
  • Swollen lymph glands under each side of the jaw
  • Bad breath
  • Earache or infection
  • Small children may complain of abdominal pain
  • Headache
  • Loss of voice or changes in the voice
  • A red throat
  • Swollen tonsils, sometimes coated or with visible white flecks of pus
  • Possibly a fever (high temperature)

Around 15-30 percent of tonsil infections are caused by bacteria – usually a streptococcus bacterium (strep throat). Others are caused by viruses. It can be difficult to establish the cause of tonsillitis, so your doctor may do a throat swab (gently rubbing a sterile cotton wool bud over the tonsil) to send for testing.

Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria and won’t cure tonsillitis caused by a virus.

Tonsil stones or ‘tonsiliths’

Sometimes bacteria, food debris, dead cells, mucus, and other materials may get trapped in the crevices in your tonsils. These materials can build up and eventually calcify (harden), forming tonsil stones (tonsoliths). This occurs most often in people who suffer from chronic tonsil inflammations or repeated bouts of tonsillitis. Bad breath (halitosis) that accompanies a tonsil infection is a prime indicator of a tonsil stone.

Patients that have post-nasal problems often report coughing up small, white smelly stones. These, along with throat mucus, indicate nasal problems that may cause bad breath.

Tonsil stones contain compressed sulfur compounds, mucus, and bacteria. One study of patients with chronic tonsillitis tested for volatile sulfur compounds in the subjects’ breath. The presence of these foul-smelling compounds provides objective evidence of bad breath. Researchers found that 75% of people with abnormally high concentrations of these compounds also had tonsil stones.

Other researchers have suggested that tonsil stones should be considered when the cause of bad breath is unclear.

An appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist is recommended if you have tonsil symptoms and suffer from bad breath.

Remedies and treatment for tonsil stones:

  • No treatment. Many tonsil stones, especially ones without symptoms, require no special treatment.
  • At-home removal. It’s possible to carefully dislodge tonsil stones at home with the use of picks or swabs. Do not attempt to use sharp instruments.
  • Salt water gargles. Gargling with warm, salty water may help alleviate the discomfort of tonsillitis, which often accompanies tonsil stones.


2) “Sinus Breath”: Bad Breath Causes and Sinuses

Bad breath can be caused by microbial build, growth or infections your sinuses.

Sinus infection or sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal sinuses. It may be a short-term, acute inflammation caused by an infection. Other times it can be a long-term, chronic condition, complicated by allergies and/or structural problems in the nose. Long-term sinusitis can greatly affect your quality of life.

Nasal sinuses are located within the cheeks, around and behind the nose. They act to warm, moisten and filter the air entering the nasal cavity. They also help us vocalize certain sounds.

Symptoms of sinusitis vary depending on the severity and which sinuses are involved. They may go alongside bad breath.

Potential symptoms include:

  • Thick, green or yellow colored mucus from the nose or down the back of the throat
  • Loss of sense of smell or taste
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Sore throat/cough
  • Tiredness
  • Temperature or shivers (fever)
  • Facial congestion (a feeling of fullness) and pain
  • Headache
  • Toothache
  • Sensation of pressure that worsens when leaning forward
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Post-nasal drip

Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps are soft, jelly-like overgrowth of the sinus lining and look like grapes on the end of a stalk.

They do not always cause symptoms. As they usually grow through the tunnel that connects the sinuses to the nose, they often cause a blocked nose.  However, they can also block the airway, which can lead to sinus infections.  These infections can cause bad breath due to run-over of post-nasal drip.

PostNasal Drip

Your respiratory system makes a lubricant called mucus.  Mucus is a thick, wet substance that moistens your respiratory system and helps trap and destroys bacteria and viruses before they cause infection.

Sinusitis, nasal polyps and post-nasal drip can all cause bad breath as they encourage the build-up of microbes, foreign objects, and metabolites that cause bad breath.


3) “Lung Breath”: Bad Breath Causes and Lung Infection

Lower respiratory tract infections

Bad breath can be caused by lung infections and conditions such as bronchitis, pulmonary abscess, tuberculosis, emphysema, and pneumonia.

Types of lung infections include:

  • Bronchitis (infection of the large airways or bronchi)
  • Croup (infection of the trachea or windpipe in children)
  • Influenza (widespread infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract including the nose, throat and, occasionally, bronchi and lungs)
  • Pneumonia (infection of the alveoli and surrounding lung tissue)

Lung cancer usually causes a distinct bad breath, and breath is now being used in early detection.

If lower respiratory tract infection presents with increased mucus production, it may be hard to determine the cause of bad breath.  Unfortunately, aside from treating the source of infection, this type of bad breath may have no other cure than time.


People with asthma are more likely to suffer from dry mouth. This is because asthma restricts air flow, making sufferers more likely to breathe through their mouth. The medication in inhalers can also dry out the mouth and cause irritation, sometimes leading to mouth ulcers or thrush.

Cystic fibrosis

A genetic disease that affects many organs including the lungs, digestive tract, and sinuses.  Patients will have swollen, thick and immobile mucus that leads to sinus blockage in the lungs.

The most common symptoms are respiratory, including a chronic cough, wheezing, and recurrent upper or lower airway infections. Patients with upper respiratory symptoms often have severe nasal polyposis and thick tenacious mucus.


4) “Gut breath”: Bad Breath Causes and the Digestive System

Digestive diseases

The digestive system causes many cases of bad breath. Any condition that allows air from the stomach to move up into the esophagus and the oral cavity may cause halitosis.  However, bad breath caused by the gut is usually a sign of general imbalance in the digestive system.

Digestive causes may include:

  • GERD symptoms or GORD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), which causes acid reflux (heartburn). Any kind of condition that causes stomach acid/heartburn/stomach distress may cause an odor, especially if you’re aware of an unusual taste; this is nearly always accompanied by a smell.
  • Bloating, gas, and burping: any digestive condition that makes you belch (burp) can cause bad breath. These include imbalances seen in digestive conditions like IBS, food intolerances or high sugar consumption.
  • Bowel obstruction or constipation: when your body is not digesting food, an unfortunate side effect can be bad breath that resembles feces.


5) “Metabolic breath”: Bad Breath Causes and Certain Diet Types

Ketone (fat-metabolism) breath

Low-carb or ketogenic diets can force your body to burn fat for fuel instead. This produces chemicals called ketones that are released in the breath, producing an odd fruit-and-nut or acetone odor.

The good news is that if you have bad breath, you’re probably sticking to that low-carb diet well – and often, the bad breath is a short-term problem while your body adjusts to fat metabolism.

Hunger breath

This is caused by regularly skipping meals, or fasting, which can reduce the amount of saliva in your mouth. A dry mouth may prevent clearance of harmful bacteria, causing a sulfuric odor.


6) “Diabetes breath”: Bad Breath Caused by Insulin  

Diabetics suffer from inadequate insulin production, causing them to burn fat and produce ketones. This means they’re prone to the ‘ketone breath’ discussed above. Another bad breath cause in diabetics may be chronic kidney failure.

Chronic kidney failure

This may cause breath that smells “fishy” or like ammonia. Known as “uremic fetor,” the high amount of urea in the saliva and its breakdown to ammonia causes the smell.


7) “Liver breath”: Bad Breath Causes and Liver Disease

Sometimes, the liver is the source of halitosis.

Frank liver failure leading to hepatic coma is often signaled by a sweet-smelling, musty odor on the breath as the body tries to excrete by-products of sulfur-containing amino acid breakdown. Cirrhosis may cause a breath odor described as decayed blood or rotten eggs.

Late-stage liver failure can also cause bad breath, known as ‘Fetor hepaticus’ – a sweet, musty aroma caused by dimethyl sulfide, not ketones.  This had led Belgian researchers publishing in the Journal of Chromatography suggesting bad breath as a potential diagnostic tool for detecting liver problems.


8) “Trimethylaminuria breath”: Bad Breath Causes and Genetic Disease

An underdiagnosed disorder, known as TMAU or fish-odor syndrome, may affect as many as 1% of U.S. citizens. It causes a body odor and breath odor that’s often described as ‘fishy’, but sometimes resembles rotting eggs, garbage, or urine.

This genetic disorder affects the ability to break down choline, leading to a buildup of trimethylamine. The fishy odor is excreted via sweat, urine, saliva, blood, and air exhaled through the mouth and nostrils. Patients with trimethylaminuria may need to eliminate or reduce their intake of high-choline foods such as broccoli, beans, eggs, legumes, kidney, and liver.


9) “Menstrual Breath”: Bad Breath Causes and Menstruation

Research have reported that bad breath in women tended to increase before and during their period. They noted that during menstruation, the average female breath odor contained much more VSCs than that of male counterparts. While oral bacteria levels were the same across both genders, women had lower saliva levels during menstruation, which may account for their bad breath.

So, unfortunately, if temporary halitosis tends to arrive at the same time as your premenstrual syndrome (PMS), it’s down to hormonal changes.


 10) “Drug Breath”: Bad Breath Causes and Medication

Many medicines can cause bad breath by drying up your saliva. Seven out of the top ten prescribed medicines list dry mouth as a side effect.

The worst culprits tend to be medicines that treat:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Pain
  • Allergies
  • Nasal congestion
  • Obesity
  • Acne
  • Epilepsy
  • Hypertension
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Asthma
  • Parkinson’s disease

If you are on any of these medications and experiencing bad breath, talk to your physician and dentist. Try to avoid diuretics such as coffee that can make your dry mouth worse.


11) “Halitophobia”: Fear of Bad Breath

While most people are at least slightly concerned about how their breath smells, for some people, fear of halitosis grows to become a phobia. Although severe halitophobia is uncommon, estimated to affect less than 1% of adults, it can be a serious problem.

Dentists have estimated that up to 25% of people who come to them with halitosis are afflicted with halitophobia. Left untreated, it can have a huge impact on a sufferer’s personal life and confidence, causing:

  • Social anxiety
  • Withdrawal from social situations
  • Fear of vocal projection when speaking (in extreme cases, not speaking at all)
  • Anxiety about being close to others and physical affection
  • Constant gum chewing/mint sucking
  • Refusal to eat certain foods
  • Living in fear of offending people with bad breath
  • Excessive teeth brushing


Find the cause of bad breath.

So, why does bad breath matter?

Firstly, as we’ve seen, bad breath can be a clue to poor oral health and hygiene.

Secondly, halitosis – severe bad breath – can indicate a disease elsewhere in the digestive system and other organs.

There a number of natural remedies and supplements that can help you heal bad breath.

To get started, these supplements can help you to reverse bad breath in order to:

1) Kick-start digestion

2) Rebalance the gut microbiome

3) Recalibrate the immune system

Has your dentist identified a general health issue  or are you suffering from bad breath?

Let us know your issues with bad breath. Did you find anything that helped?

For more information on Dr. Lin’s clinical protocol that highlights the steps parents can take to prevent dental problems in their children: Click here.

Want to know more? Dr Steven Lin’s book, The Dental Diet, is available to order today. An exploration of ancestral medicine, the human microbiome and epigenetics it’s a complete guide to the mouth-body connection. Take the journey and the 40-day delicious food program for life-changing oral and whole health.

Click below to order your copy now:

US Barnes & Noble


If you are looking for a dentist in Gosford, New South Wales, Australia, consider visiting Dr. Steven Lin at Luminous Dentistry.

78 Responses

  1. I have bad breathe. I was told it was caused by my acid reflux. Had the linx surgery for GERD. Acid reflux has returned. I am at my wits end. I can smell my bad breathe in my sleep and wake up. This is with brushing my teeth before bed. Any answers or solutions. In constant fears and upset. Been to every doctor imaginable.

      1. Yes. I was told last year I had a h.pylori and given antibiotics. But, the issues still persists. I am suffering because of this bad breath. Anymore suggestions?

        1. I have tried the self help tips and the bad breath is still present. It’s so shameful and embarrassing. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. This really makes you Standoffish from people for fear they will smell the bad breath. My family says they aren’t able to smell this horrible stinch. I really need some help. This has put me in a depression. Please help.

          1. Get a tongue brush or scraper. Pro fresh mouth wash off the internet. And also get Breath Rx off the internet

          2. Hi Shantennia,
            I’m a female going through the same issue for years. My family also tell me they don’t detect anything which has also made me depressed. If you are still struggling as I am, I think it would be good to talk as it is very isolating not having any support especially from family.

        2. Hi Shantennia,

          Very sorry to hear.

          Have you had your vitamin D checked recently? That’s a big start. Aside from H.pylori infection, you will also want to get checked for IgG food intolerances (need to cut out the stuff that’s stopping proper digestion).

          Digestive problems can be very persistent. If you had bad breath, I would suspect. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. Like in the link that I showed you before. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

          Probiotics may also assist.

      2. Hi Dr Steven,
        I was sitting one day and my mother had said that my mouth smells like burning sweat smell really bad – not sure what this could mean? I did get my recent regular blood test nothing abnormal came. I am 33 year old male please advise what this could be? The most recent thing I had was chai/tea that day. Didn’t happen afterwards but still I want to be cautious. I do take black seeds, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, green tea to be on safe side for my health.

        1. Hi Dilshad,

          Sorry to hear that. Here is an article that explores all the known causes of bad breath beyond the mouth.

          Testing options available: https://www.drstevenlin.com/9-steps-to-cure-bad-breath-and-professional-testing-options/

          You can also consider a probiotic regime: https://www.drstevenlin.com/probiotics-and-the-oral-microbiome-2/page/3/

          Hope this helps!

          Community Manager

  2. I am suffering from bad breath from last 4months i can’t speak to anyone because of this reason. I don’t know what to do.i don’t have diabetes.iused brush my teeth twice I used flossmy teeth after every meal.iused many mouthwashes. I can’t get rid of this bad breath .please help me

    1. Hi there,

      Very sorry to hear.
      First of all, digestive bad breath is one of the less common causes of bad breath. If you can’t find the source and have investigated thoroughly I would look for other systems.

      They are summarized in this article above:


      The most common cause of bad breath (90%) is dental origin: https://www.drstevenlin.com/7-dental-problems-simple-test-bad-breath/

      Testing options available: https://www.drstevenlin.com/9-steps-to-cure-bad-breath-and-professional-testing-options/

      You can also consider a probiotic regime: https://www.drstevenlin.com/probiotics-and-the-oral-microbiome-2/page/3/

      Some natural remedies for bad breath that may assist: https://www.drstevenlin.com/13-ways-to-get-rid-of-bad-breath-naturally/

      And finally, I think it’s important to take bad breath from a microbiome perspective: https://www.drstevenlin.com/can-mouthwash-really-cure-bad-breath-it-may-harm-the-microbiome/

  3. DR Lin,
    I have suffered from halitosis for at least 18 years now. I’ve been to ca breath clinic, got all amalgam removed, been seen in GI for motility issues, done elimination diets, had tonsils removed. Still having issues. Lastly had food intolerance test and the items on the list I have eliminated. Still halitosis. The only time it went away was when I had my tonsils removed and as soon as I ate a solid food, it came back almost immediately. I’m at my wits end any suggestions would be most helpful

    1. Hi Mo,

      Very sorry to hear. You may have tonsil stones. Have you had your vitamin D checked recently? That’s a big start. You will also want to get checked for H.pylori infection and IgG food intolerances (need to cut out the stuff that’s stopping proper digestion).

      Digestive problems can be very persistent. If you had bad breath, I would suspect. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Probiotics may also assist.

  4. Hi Dr Lin,
    I have had bad breath for 20+ years. I also have constipation if I don’t have a high fibre diet, so I believe that it is gut related. I also have trouble processing dairy products, so I cut those out of my diet entirely and yet the problem persists.

    My doctor put me on metrodinazole with a repeat prescription but that didn’t help. I exercise 6 times per week and that does not help either. Any thoughts or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Doug,

      Digestive problems can be very persistent. If you had bad breath, I would suspect small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      You will also want to get checked for H.pylori infection (happens in both digestive system and mouth)

      Also have your IgG food intolerance test done if possible and check your vitamin D status.

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps!
      Dr Steven Lin

      1. Dear Dr, I had similar case of bad smell for more than 20+ years and tried various medicines / mouth wash recommended by dentist. Now realized that this could be from Stomach related decease and would appreciate it you could provide advice for further test and treatments. I mostly having sour feeling at throat side and bid burning at stomach. Thanks

  5. Very detailed information Steven! Bad breath is often not taken seriously but what many people don’t understand that there could be something more serious to it. Understanding right type and then taking right cure is necessary for long term results.

  6. Hello Dr.stevenlin,
    I have been suffering from bad breath since 3 months.i had teeth cleaning 3 months back but still the breath has not gone away.i had even a wierd taste in my mouth sometimes.my beside people gets that pungent smell sometimes.every one in my whole street knows me.they cover their noses when i come outside.i am feeling hell.i am just 24.the dentist doctor is unable to help me.i can smell me in different ways.sometimes like spoilt mixture of dal,sometimes like rotten.when i drank apple cider vinegar,my body resembled it with a pungency.please try to reply me about my health.advancely thanking you.

  7. Dr. Lin,
    I have Had halitosis since I was 7 years old. I have always had post-nasal drip. I only Recently figured these issues are linked. I had poor dental hygiene as a child, but fixed the issue in my teens. Would a deep pocket cleanse help any of this? Is there any cure for the sinus aspect of it vs simply treating the symptoms?

  8. Dear Dr. Lin,
    My husband has been prone to very bad breath for decades but now it is difficult to have a conversation with him in the car because the odor from his nose is horrific. ( Bad breath has always come from his nose and mouth but it is far worse now. ) He also has digestive issues, (IBS) and used to take pepto fairly regularly for stomach upset.
    He focuses on mouth hygiene and gargling which offers short term relief from the mouth source but he has a large nose and the odor from there is overwhelming. Thank you for your thoughts.

  9. Hi Dr.I’m a teacher and have suffered from halitosis for a decades now.I have visited a dentist in several occasions to no avail.Each time he looks into my mouth the answer I always get is no problems with my oral cavity. Serious oral dehydration. H pyloric negative. Normal digestion. I can even talk with my friends. Pls I need help Dr

  10. Hi Dr stevenlin I have bad brealth like poop from 2017 up to now. I have irritable bowel syndrome. Due to my bad breath I feel sorrow and socially stigmatized and even I am always think about it. Please tell me what I have to do

  11. Hi Dr. I’ve been battling with bad breathe for couple of years and up till now. I’ve done series of tests and medications, but the situation getting worst every there and than. It is totally embarrassing; the worst of all here in Sierra Leone we don’t have specialized and good Doctors for many diseases affecting the day to day lives of the people. According to my test result: ulcer reflux disease is showing up for every tests I’ve done. I’m experiencing lot of complications presently:
    Gaining more weight
    stomach disorder
    severe chest pain
    moussle &joint pain
    frequent dizziness & fatigue
    difficult breathing
    body cramp
    excessive sweating
    Stomach ache i.e. Burning & pinching
    tooth & gum disease
    poor blood circulation

    1. Hi Yayah,

      I would check for the following: 1) Vitamin d status. 2) IgG food intolerances 3) H.pylori infection.

      Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Here are some testing options for bad breath too. I’d suggest getting more information on your condition.

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  12. What a fantastic article. Thanks so much. Very valuable information. I didn’t know that tonsis stones was a specific “thing”, and I certainly do have them from time to time, unrelated to any tonsil issue that I’m aware of – I just put it down to “deep tonsils”!!?? 🙂
    Thanks so much.

  13. Thank you Dr.Steven Lin for this wonderful article. You have explained each and every factor which cause bad breathe in a detailed and interesting manner. Once again thanks for your efforts to write this and share with people like us.

  14. Hello Doc, This is not about bad breath but about the air i breathe in…I always smell that air has some smell in it when ever i inhale I am really worried about this

  15. Doctor I am suffering from a chronic bad breath I have severe headache I feel uncomfortable at the back of my head there’s a white coat on my tongue and my tooth ache there’s tooth decay too and I smell bad when I speak it’s scares me and drives me away from hurting other by getting close to them I don’t know what to do and it’s driving me crazy doctor please can it be the problem is from my head? Because many of my friends said I may need a surgery I went for a CT scan and nothing was found in my head but it’s hurt doctor….I really need help.

  16. Good afternoon Dr.Lin, Reading all of these testimonials. I’m relived that I’m not the only one that is suffering from these horrible symptoms. But at the end of it all, what can be done. I know that there is no magical pill to take and poor it’s gone. My question is, do you do seminars for people such as myself can have a better understanding on what can actually be done.

  17. Hello –
    My new partner has recently given up smoking, but her breath smells / tastes like liver to me. It’s the only way I can describe it. Just like the smell of raw liver from the butcher or supermarket. Is this what is meant by ‘liver breath’ ?
    It seems too obvious to be linked to some issue with her liver function, but I need to tell her about the problem as it’s unpleasant. I thought it had something to do with previously being a smoker. Her age is 63.
    What would be the best way to solve this problem?
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Robert,

      Digestive problems can be very persistent. If your partner had bad breath, I would suspect small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). She can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Checking her Vitamin D levels is also very important. She may also want to checked for H.pylori infection which happens in both digestive system and mouth.

      Also, have her IgG food intolerance test done if possible and check your vitamin D status.

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  18. I found out a month ago that my son of 3years old has a bad smell coming out from his nose and have taking him to da hospital but I was told to take him for an E xay which am planning to do any moment soon. But before then please is their anything I can do to eliminate the smell?

  19. Hello. Please help me. My saliva always smells really, really bad. But my breath doesn’t smell bad at all! I’ve asked family members (who are always brutally honest) and they said I don’t have bad breath. I often check my breath and I know when it smells bad (like morning breath) but most of the time it doesn’t smell. And yet, my saliva always has a sharp, putrid odour. I don’t know what to do. All the websites I’ve found keep linking bad saliva smell with bad breath, but that’s obviously not the case for me. I drink loads of water, but it’s a persistent problem. My brother, who doesn’t drink much water at all doesn’t have this problem. However, his mouth produces loads more saliva than mine (which is often quite dry).
    Could you kindly offer me information and advice for my problem?
    Many thanks.

      1. DR Lin,
        I have suffered from halitosis for at least 6 years now. I tested Idoscopey 3 times in different two hospitals the result was the same, Du GERD for treatment still I am taking Omeprazol esmoprazol presently esmoprazol(NEXIUM), but no more change please help me to treat my gasteric problem and to remove bad breath.
        Could you kindly offer me information and advice for my problem?
        Many thanks.

  20. I have been suffering from halitosis and sore throat for 6 months. Every effort to treat proved futal please help me.

  21. Well hello Dr,
    I’m suffering from serious mouth odour as well as body odour.I’m now studying in XI class.I firstly suffered from mouth odour in class VIII when I was 13 yr.s old.It was so embarrassing.I was a topper in studying at that time but my grades sunk below from those days till now.And when I was 14 yr.s old and when I was in IX s.t.d., I happened to be suffering from body odour plus mouth odour.I was kept away by most of my friends whom I thought trustworthy.All my friends and teachers left me alone.Everybody scrached their nose and coughed when I came towards them.I lost my dignity,confidence,self respect…I’d told my parents about this crying and they consulted me to a physician but all were of little use.Now my parents don’t even take seriousily and are blaming me for the degradation of my scores.
    Please,I beg you to find the disease that I’m suffering.
    I have cleaned my teeth by consulting a dentist and yet my smell persists.Now I feel that the smell is delivered by the air I exhale via nose also.I also have a white tongue even though I clean it twice using a tongue cleaner while brushing.I also feel that the smell is coming from inside of my throat and I feel a little tough when breathing through my right nostril.I’m a skinny boy too.So I fear of acidic problems too.
    Please help me find the name of this isolating suffering Doctor.

    1. Hi Fana,

      Very sorry to hear. Bad breath shouldn’t be taken lightly.

      Have you had your vitamin D checked recently? That’s a big start. You will also want to get checked for H.pylori infection and IgG food intolerances (need to cut out the stuff that’s stopping proper digestion).

      Digestive problems can be very persistent. If you had bad breath, I would suspect small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps. Feel better soon!

      Community Manager

  22. It is easy to get rid from bad breath. You need to identify the cause of bad breath. Avoid food like onion, bad breath may be caused by your digestive system, talk to your doctor. Keep your self hydrated. Use freshmeltz
    , helps you maintain your oral health. Instantly melt on your tongue & kills the germs that create odour in your mouth leaving behind a clean and fresh breath.

  23. most of the cases that the valve {lower esophageal sphincter (or LES)} is not closing completely . which separates our stomach from the esophagus.
    beside all the usual things for the mouth cleanliness and minimize the acid reflux you should strengthen your lower esophageal sphincter (or LES) by exercise mentioned in attached link.


    i tried the second exercise and i feel a difference .try yourself and if you feel a difference share to others

  24. Bad breath symptoms are due to deficiency of the following nutrients: vitamin B6, zinc, magnesium, propolis, chlorophyll and cleanse the bowel with magnesium oxide powder.

    To cure the nutritional deficiencies. Cleanses the colon to increase the detoxifying function of the intestine. When the gut does not completely eliminate the toxin, it enters the bloodstream and exits through the lungs and breathing.

    1. OMG, you have given some of the best information a person with Bad Breath can use, Thank you Thank you, I’m sure my issue is with not eliminating enough, yes the smell comes from my lungs and breathing, you are a true blessing and god sent !

  25. Hi sir…iam suffering from bad breath from last six years and I still cant find any cure for it.I went for hell number of doctors but they just cant find what the problem is and I think it is due to lung breath.six years back I went to swimming pool for a month and since then I have this problem and little sinus too But i have no problem with sinus now but bad breath doesnt go …can u please tell me what the reason is and what is the cure for it….please sir

    1. Hi there,

      Sorry to hear that. Here is an article that explores all the known causes of bad breath beyond the mouth.

      Testing options available: https://www.drstevenlin.com/9-steps-to-cure-bad-breath-and-professional-testing-options/

      You can also consider a probiotic regime: https://www.drstevenlin.com/probiotics-and-the-oral-microbiome-2/page/3/

      Hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  26. Hello good evening the article you wrote is very detailed. Im suffering bad breath i don’t know what kind of bad breath is this but its smells like poop. Philippines doctor can’t cure me or can’t even distinguish what kind of disease i have in my mouth. Feeling so hopeless and horrible when your friends and people around you keeps talking about you as their topic so end up not talking or socializing . Its embarrasing like the feeling u just wanna end everything . I can’t afford to go different doctors anymore . Its just depressing . By the way thank you for this information it really helps atleast i have an idea. Thank u

    1. Hi Abigail,

      Very sorry to hear this. Bad breath shouldn’t be taken lightly.

      Have you had your vitamin D checked recently? That’s a big start!

      You will also want to get checked for H.pylori infection and IgG food intolerances (need to cut out the stuff that’s stopping proper digestion).

      Digestive problems can be very persistent. If you had bad breath, I would suspect small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps. Feel better soon!

      Community Manager

  27. Hi,
    I was told by close friend that my breath has a bad oder! I appreciate them telling me, yet at same time am embarrassed as I don’t tase or smell anything which is unnerving as I can’t detect the onset except when they tell me! I don’t want to repeal people just cause of my breath!!! From the article above it sound like it could be from tonsils or PMS!

  28. Hi doc,
    I have bad breath coming from my throat at time i feel like somthing is chocking me and i feel if i swallow silver it will go away but it does not.kindly help

    1. Hi Janet,

      Digestive problems can be very persistent.

      If you have bad breath, I would suspect small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Checking your Vitamin D levels is also very important. You will also want to get checked for H.pylori infection (happens in both digestive system and mouth)
      Also have your IgG food intolerance test done if possible and check your vitamin D status.

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps! Get well soon!

      Community Manager

  29. Bad breath is something everyone must deal. For many people, morning breath is simply something you wake up to. Your breath can take a turn for the worst at any time of day, especially if you’ve eaten certain foods. You don’t have to suffer from foul-smelling breath

    I read your information and thank you so much for sharing the wonderful information on “Type of Bad Breath and Causes”. It’s very informative and explained deeply.

    Thanks again!

  30. Hello Dr
    I’m suffering from halitosis past 6 year I’m not able to speak with people’s every day pls help me what to do ?? I visited many dentist doctors but no use of it. Pls help me out

  31. I have severe bad breath for more than 1 year now. I have also been diagnosed of stomach ulcer. I have chest and back pains. most times, in the left part of my body and face as well. I fear it is a heart problem, but the doctor said it’s ulcer. But with the medications it is not getting any better. But from your article I sense it may be digestive issues, because I have had digestive issues for years now. When I lick the back of my palm the smell that comes is like feces. It’s really embarrassing, and truly I have not been living because of this. Please help me with more information to help diagnose my case properly. Thanks so much the article

    1. Hi Charles!

      Thanks for reaching out!

      Digestive problems can be very persistent. If you had bad breath, I would suspect small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Checking your Vitamin D levels is also very important. You will also want to get checked for H.pylori infection (happens in both digestive system and mouth) https://www.drstevenlin.com/gerd-symptoms-h-pylori-begin-oral-microbiome/

      Also have your IgG food intolerance test done if possible and check your vitamin D status.

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  32. I am suffering from bad breath for 8 years..some mucus is 24/7 dripping in throat and I try to swallow it every time …from the time this mucus is there for 8 years I have experienced bad breath. Before that i had clean and fresh breath…please help me which doctor should i see what tests should i perform..i do regular brush and floss also i do clean my tongue also but the situation doesn’t improve

    1. Hi Abraham,

      Sorry to hear that. Here is an article that explores all the known causes of bad breath beyond the mouth.

      Testing options available: https://www.drstevenlin.com/9-steps-to-cure-bad-breath-and-professional-testing-options/

      You can also consider a probiotic regime: https://www.drstevenlin.com/probiotics-and-the-oral-microbiome-2/page/3/

      Hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  33. Hi, I have been suffering from bad breath for some time now. I had bridgework implanted due to cosmetic gone bad. I have been back and forth to the doctors who can find an issue. This is so embarrassing and causing me major self-esteem problems. I constantly feel like something is in my throat. I have seen several oral hygienists who said there is no issue. Please help me!

  34. Hi Dr. thank you for the information. I nearly find my problem from your list of the causes of bad breath. I am suffering from severe bad breath for about 15 years. I have seen a number of doctors. My family doctor advised me to see my dentist and my dentist sent me back to my doctor to examine me if I have anything like GERD. I am tired of going back and forth. I get the smell back right after 5 minutes of brushing my teeth. I hate my life!

    1. Hi Yonas,

      Sorry to hear that. Here is an article that explores all the known causes of bad breath beyond the mouth.

      Testing options available: https://www.drstevenlin.com/9-steps-to-cure-bad-breath-and-professional-testing-options/

      You can also consider a probiotic regime: https://www.drstevenlin.com/probiotics-and-the-oral-microbiome-2/page/3/

      Hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  35. Good morning,I am suffering from bad breath for the last year,I saw a dentist,oral hygiene is good, brushing my teeth regularly,drinking oral probiotics. I am on lymecycline antibiotics for my acne for the last 2 years,had a test for H. pylori,nothing,I`ve noticed I started to have a poo odour,don`t know what to do,seeing a gastroenterologist in 2 months time,Any advice please?

    1. Hi Ausra,

      Thanks for reaching out! If you had bad breath, I would suspect small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Checking your Vitamin D levels is also very important. You will also want to get checked for H.pylori infection (happens in both digestive system and mouth)
      Also have your IgG food intolerance test done if possible and check your vitamin D status.

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  36. Hello, I’ve been suffering from bad breath and I was told that it was caused by my stomach ulcer. I’ve been brushing my teeth regularly and even always bring mouthwash with me, but I just can’t bare with it. It is really worst, is there any natural remedies for it? Thank you for those who will answer.

    1. Hi Wanna,

      I would check for: 1) Vitamin d status. 2) IgG food intolerances 3) H.pylori infection.

      Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). You can get breath tests that specifically test the gut. https://www.drstevenlin.com/gut-breath-the-digestive-system-and-bad-breath-causes/

      Here are some testing options for bad breath too. I’d suggest getting more information on your condition.

      Probiotics may also assist.

      Hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  37. I have a habit of drinking warm water every morning. But the instant i drink water, an ammonia-like chemical starts to come up in my mouth and I feel like throwing up. Do I need to go through any kind of test for it?

  38. Hi doc,
    I firstly want to commend you for the information dissimilated. I am a young guy who will be turning 21 by this come March, 2019. I am currently suffering from bad breath. I started experiencing it since this gone August of 2018 and have tried the usage of various types of mouth washes and other home remedies that I read from the internet via google and youtube. I am a kind of person who loves friends and intellectual gatherings but since I noticed that I have bad breath, I have limited my being around friends because I am afraid of being stigmatized. This situation embarrasses me lot. I had a very clean and fresh breath before recently I started experiencing this. I would appreciate any advice or prescribe remedy/ies that you can give. To be frank, I don’t even know the source of the bad breath. I visited a hospital once and a test was ran on me which I was told to must have had stomach infection. Can you imagine that I even use baking soda as one of the remedies that I learnt from a video on youtube as a toothpaste? Please, I do really need your help as soon as possible. I want out of this.

    1. Hi John,

      First of all, digestive bad breath is one of the less common causes of bad breath. If you can’t find the source and have investigated thoroughly I would look for other systems.

      They are summarized in this article: https://www.drstevenlin.com/12-bad-breath-causes-you-need-to-know/

      The most common cause of bad breath (90%) is dental origin: https://www.drstevenlin.com/7-dental-problems-simple-test-bad-breath/

      Testing options available: https://www.drstevenlin.com/9-steps-to-cure-bad-breath-and-professional-testing-options/

      You can also consider a probiotic regime: https://www.drstevenlin.com/probiotics-and-the-oral-microbiome-2/page/3/

      Some natural remedies for bad breath that may assist: https://www.drstevenlin.com/13-ways-to-get-rid-of-bad-breath-naturally/

      And finally, I think it’s important to take bad breath from a microbiome perspective: https://www.drstevenlin.com/can-mouthwash-really-cure-bad-breath-it-may-harm-the-microbiome/

      I hope this helps!

      Community Manager

  39. please help me. I have bad smell coming from my nose , I try everything , searching from youtube but it doesn’t work. I brush 3 times a day and completely pulled my tooh decay to the dentist but nothing change , it’s smell like a poop ,please help me

  40. I find this quite confusing. I’ve had a weird sweet smell on my breath for a couple of years. It seems to go away when I take probiotics and comes back if I stop taking them. I don’t know exactly what it smells like; my mom’s the one who mentions it. I think she said one time that it’s not like how diabetes breath smells (my dad has diabetes). My blood tests don’t show any issues with my liver (or with blood sugar). I also eat plenty of carbs. Any thoughts?

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